
My mission is to stop doing easy things because I'm already good at them, and start doing difficult things because I'm bad at them.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Back in the saddle

I haven't had much time for single-player games lately. Since the baby is growing up and the other child is starting to get quite active (school, piano, etc), it seems like all my free time has been taken up with either a) World of Warcraft or b) Netflix.

Fortunately, I have resurrected my Nintendo DS from the depths of the electronics basket in our computer room. I've since finished Super Scribblenauts and now I'm working on The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass (both of which are excellent, btw).

My only complaint is that Zelda features a timed dungeon. In hindsight, the "Hourglass" in the title should have given away that there was something in the dungeon that was subject to timing, but sadly I'm really dumb. But I've decided that this is one of those things I have to change about myself. I've faced the timed dungeon about seven times now, and emerged victorious.

I've also decided to go for some semblance of completeness. I'm at the point where I could fight the end boss, but I want to collect all the power, wisdom, and courage gems and level up the little spirits that help you out.

All in all, it's a stylus game, which I thought would be a bit gimmicky and lame. It's turned out that it's actually a Zelda game and it's actually very lovely to play.

Though I think I'll get the 3DS when it comes out later this month. I hear it has a bigger stylus and brighter screen.

Netflix has been something of a time thief. Everytime I think I'm done with a television series, it saps me with something new. These days it's been Farscape and Better Off Ted.

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